December 23, 2020

rumex crispus materia medica

Its action upon the skin is marked, producing an intense itching. As if head would fly to pieces (with cough). Lump in throat; it descends on deglutition, but immediately returns. Zur Verfügung gestellt von Narayana, publisher and shop for all books about homeopathy. Head.-Headache after waking in morning, preceded by a disagreeable dream.-Dull (and bruised) pains: on r. side; in occiput; in forehead with bruised feeling, < on motion.-Darting pain or sharp piercing in l. side of head.-Catarrhal headache with great irritation of larynx and trachea, clavicular pain and soreness behind sternum.-Bruised sensation on waking, continued till noon, disappeared suddenly after dinner.-Headache < in open air.-Pungent drawing in l. occiput with a similar pain in l. nostril and feeling as if coryza would ensue. Eating meat causes pruritus and eructations Chronic gastritis; aching pain in pit of stomach and shooting in the chest; extends towards the throat-pit, worse any motion or talking. Cough when eating. Morning diarrhoea hurrying patient out of bed, Sul. Among the constituents and salts of Rx-c. are Sulphur and Calc. Dry cough from tickling in suprasternal fossa < least cool air or deep inspiration, Bell. Stick in rectum, Æsc. Lymph enlargement or intense itching may also be present in pets. Worse from the least cold air; so that all cough ceases by covering up all the body and head with the bedclothes. Irritation. Face.-Great paleness of face while standing.-Heat of face; redness < evenings; dull headache; with pulsations over whole body.-Pain in side of face, including r. temple and ear; also l. side of upper lip.-Pain in r. jaw, morning.-After retiring late at night, lancinating pains in lower jaw at root of l. canine teeth. are strongly represented in its action. Incessant cough and botan., Rx. Zur Verfügung gestellt von Les éditions Narayana, éditent et publient tous les ouvrages sur l'homéopathie. Veja os detalhes da matéria médica RUMX - RUMEX CRISPUS. It is, literally, the “medicinal materials” – herbal allies ready to assist in times of need! Rumex Crispus | Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke. Rumex crispus 18 Hypochondrien: Schmerz im Hypochondrium von Husten, schnell Gehen oder tief Atmen. As if a feather swaying to and fro in bronchi. As if air did not penetrate chest. Cough starting in throat-pit (Bell. Piles. RUMEX CRISPUS (Rumex Crespo u Ondeado. The Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke was written in 1902. Cough caused by an incessant tickling in the throat-pit, which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bronchial tubes. are strongly represented in its action. 24. Jest on również stosowany w ziołolecznictwie. Ph. : Al circulatorio Al respiratorio Al digestivo Al endocrino Correct! < Lying left side, Pho., Pul. Tickling cough from suprasternal fossa excited by speaking, Sil. (Pedersen, 2012) Crisped in this case meaning curled in short, wavy folds, hence yellow dock’s other name – curly dock. Stomach.-Appetite: much increased lost.-Thirst.-After meals: flatulency; heaviness in stomach or epigastrium aching in l. breast; pressure and distension in stomach.-Nausea in night before diarrhoea.-Sensation of hard substance in pit of stomach.-Fulness and pressure in pit of stomach extending toward throat-pit; descends with every empty deglutition but immediately returns.-Tight, suffocative, heavy ache in epigastrium, through to back; clothes seem too tight; weak feeling in epigastrium, all < when talking; frequently takes a long breath.-Shooting from pit of stomach to chest; sharp in l. chest; slight nausea; dull aching in forehead.-Aching and shooting in pit of stomach and above it on each side of sternum.-Eructations; empty; tasteless.-Hiccough.-Pyrosis.-Nausea; > by eructations.-Nausea and vertigo while dressing in morning, compelling him to lie down again.-Sensation of undigested food and upward pressure in throat-pit.-Severe pain in digestive organs on waking.-Pain in stomach with the pain in the lungs.-Burning and cutting in stomach. Lymphatics enlarged and secretions perverted. Cough when eating, Calc. c., again, is a close ally of Rheum, and has analogous purgative and other properties. c. are well marked, and I have found it the best general remedy for the painless but annoying borborygmi frequently complained of by women. Ph. Un síntoma característico de Rumex es: La abundante secreción mucosa Las ... Leer másRumex crispus and Mang. 23. c. as developed in the provings. You can read the full book here. < Change: warm to cold or cold to warm; changing rooms. Der Schmerz tritt ein oder wird schlimmer beim Tiefatmen. The flatulence and rumbling of Rx. P. P. Wells relates this case (Hale): Mrs. X. had had eight miscarriages in the early months, each miscarriage being attended with a dry, shaking, spasmodic cough in paroxysms of great violence, which was regarded as the cause of the abortions. N. O. Polygonaceae. Tincture of fresh root. by Paul Bergner . Published on March 7, 2013 August 7, 2018 by kelly80charlie04 “Yellow Dock” Latin Binomial: Rumex crispus. Paroxysms exhaust him; headache during cough. Pain in left breast after meals; flatulence. Yellow Dock. Haute de 50 cm à 1 m, le rumex possèdes des feuilles en forme de cœur, des fleurs groupées en verticilles et des fruits de forme pyramidale, possédant un grain d’amidon de couleur rouge pour attirer les fourmis. Male Sexual Organs.-Tendency to phimosis.-During evening feeling of soreness and excoriation, with redness of end of prepuce.-Itching of prepuce.-Sexual desire diminished; lost. Rumex Crispus. more when change is to warm air; Rx. Lichen. Dry, teasing cough, preventing sleep. by William Boericke. 3. Thin, watery, frothy expectoration by the mouthful: later, stringy and tough. The most important part of herbalism is the plants themselves! Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Rumex Crispus from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record … Jaundice after excessive use of alcoholics. 2- Aversión al trabajo mental. Family: Polygonaceae. Materia Medica is the way herbalists refer to their “dictionary” or “tool box” of plants. 12. Itching of anus, with sensation as of a stick in rectum. Skin.-Itching in various parts, < on lower limbs.-Eruption covered uniformly several regions of skin, with exception of face; itching more of a pricking than a burning; < by cold, > by warmth.-Contagious prurigo or "army itch. Borborygmi. Eyes.-Pain in eyes as from dryness; lids inflamed, < evening.-Sore feeling in eyes without inflammation.-Deep-seated pain in r. eye.-Sharp, shooting pain in (and over) l. eye. Repertory and Materia Medica from Mirza Tahir Ahmad, James Tyler Kent; William Boericke, John Henry Clarke At the beginning of the ninth pregnancy she came under homoeopathic treatment. c. many cases of indigestion in which this symptom was present: "Lump in throat, not > by hawking or swallowing; it descends on deglutition, but immediately returns." (Hale); and Sul., Calc., and Pho. Hay un estado de tristeza, desánimo, aversión al trabajo, irritabilidad, excitabilidad mental; esto incluye casi la totalidad del estado mental que conocemos de este remedio, pues las pruebas fueron … Bunch in throat or behind sternum. Irritabilidad. c., again, is a close ally of Rheum, and has analogous purgative and other … RUMEX CRISPUS. Rumex is used in veterinary homeopathy for a cough that is worse from inhaling cold air. Touching the throat-pit brings on the cough. Malestar general. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 892. Raw sensation in larynx and trachea when coughing, Caust. < Lying down (pain in pit of stomach > lying perfectly quiet). > Discharge of offensive flatus. Rumex Crispus 30 Uses, Benefits – Rumex Crispus Materia Medica Extremely sensitive to cold or open air Intense itching of skin especially, lower extremities; worse undressing, worse exposure to cool air. c. 30 cured in a few minutes. Pressure of a stick in rectum. Characteristics.-The "Yellow Dock" or "Curled Dock" is a common British weed, introduced and growing wild in North America, where the provings were made. Among the constituents and salts of Rx. Indigestion. Chest.-Clavicular pain; raw pain just under each clavicle while hawking mucus from throat.-Pain in chest: in both sides; dull aching in anterior part, with headache and belching.-Sharp stitching or stinging through l. lung.-Acute stitch along l. margin of sternum.-Burning stinging: in l. side near heart; in whole l. chest suddenly when taking a deep inspiration while in act of lying down in bed at night.-At 3.30 p.m., while writing, at desk, stitches in substance of l. lung.-Burning, shooting pain in r. chest.-Sharp pain near l. axilla.-Pain in centre of l. lung.-Sternum feels sprained.-Great pressure and sense of depression in upper part of breast.-Very sharp pain in breast running r. to l.-Sharp cutting pain in l. breast at noon lasting an hour. Homeopatía Médica. RUMEX CRISPUS more information and order at Remedia Homeopathy Yellow Dock Is characterized by pains, numerous and varied, neither fixed nor constant anywhere. Compare: Hard, dry, tickling cough, < reading, < touching larynx, Cin. more information and order at Remedia Homeopathy, This is a chapter from Materia Medica by by John Henry Clarke. < Walking. Heart, pain in; affections of. Relationship.--Compare: Caust; Sulph; Bell; Rumex contains chrysophanic acid to which the skin symptoms correspond. Feet, tender. ).-Tenacious mucus in larynx, constant desire to hawk.-Violent irritation to cough in larynx while eating (at three meals).-(Cough all day, > lying down at night. 11 p.m.-Cough provoked by change from cold to warm or warm to cold.-Cough < lying l. side; > lying r. > covering up mouth; > wearing respirator.-Sensation of breathlessness as if air did not penetrate chest; or as when falling or passing rapidly through the air.-Frequent feeling as if she could not get another breath. As if she could not get another breath. Yellow Dock. Loading... Unsubscribe from Jalan Alternatif? The phlegm may either be thin, or very thick and tenacious. The symptoms are < by touch; pressure; riding. Presented by Médi-T RUMEX CRISPUS Yellow Dock. Rumex crispus, according to Joslin, quoted by Hale, was used by allopaths internally and externally for the cure of itch. 1. jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012. 6. Valuable in advanced phthisis (Seneg; Puls; Lycop; Ars). Botan., Fago., Polyg., Lapath. < Lying on left side; burning in left side. more information and order at Remedia Homeopathy, This is a chapter from Materia Medica by by William Boericke. c. more when to cold). (3) Young lady had sensation of fulness and pressure in pit of stomach extending up towards throat, carried down on swallowing and rising again to throat. Rumex Crispus, according to Joslin, quoted by Hale, was used by allopaths internally and externally for the cure of itch. Rumex Crispus.Curled Dock. Cough caused by an incessant … Among the constituents and salts of Rx. Prurigo. Rx. c. cases is sensitiveness to cold air. Dyspepsia. Rumex Crispus | Homeopathy Materia Medica Indonesia Jalan Alternatif. 26. Aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by inspiring cool air and at night. 8. Rumex crispus (Symptoms) MIND / EMOTIONS – irritable – sad: HEAD – headache: EYE – catarrh: NOSE – epistaxis Abdomen.-Pain in hypochondrium from walking or deep inspiration.-Griping near navel partially > by discharge of offensive flatus; flatulent colic soon after a meal.-Pain occurring or < during inspiration.-Sensation of heaviness and fulness in abdomen with rumbling.-Borborygmus.-Pain in abdomen in morning, followed by a stool.-Colic from a cold, with cough. Yellow dock’s latin genus name, Rumex, means “lance”, and indeed, the leaves are lance-shaped. Copious mucous discharge from nose and trachea. Câteodată, incontinentă urinară în timpul tusei. Lower Limbs.-Stitching in back of r. hip; limping walk.-Legs ache.-Stitch-like pain in knee-joint when standing.-Legs covered with small red pimples.-Feet cold.-Feet sensitive, stinging in corns.-Tender feet. In the late 1990s, New Zealand herbalists Isla Burgess and Nickie Baillie, MD conducted a trial on the effects of several herbal and nutritional “iron tonic” protocols on various parameters of the blood related to anemia. Peculiar Sensations are: Eyes pain as if from dryness. (Hale), and Sul., Calc., and Pho. Hands cold when coughing. Ph. Clinical.-Abortion. Rumex diminishes the secretions of mucous membranes, and at the same time exalts sensibility of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. (2) A lady, 50, had had for three weeks pain in pit of stomach, aching in left chest, flatulence, eructations, pains and distension in stomach after meals. Rumex, the yellow dock, is a neglected remedy, and one that has been only partially proved. Rawness of larynx and trachea. Rumex crispus aus der Materia Medica von Constantin Hering. Asthma of consumptives < 2 a.m., Meph., Sticta. Rumex crispus aus der Materia Medica von Constantin Hering. Correspondingly this symptom of Paine's has led to many cures of skin cases: "While undressing, and for some time after, considerable itching of surface of lower limbs "-where exposure to air is again the exciting cause. Diarrhoea. Guernsey thus describes the cough of Rx. s., Pod., Sul. Phimosis. c. are Sulphur and Calc. ph. Medical Information Search. b. Asthma. This points to one of the leading actions of Rx-c. as developed in the provings. < Talking. There is one continuous stream of phlegm from the nose and throat down to the larynx, trachea and chest. 13. Neck and Back.-Sensation as if a thread were tightly tied round neck just below ears, with a slight roaring in the ears.-Pain: in back of neck; running down back.-Aching between scapulae.-Stinging burning just below inferior angle of l. scapula; followed and accompanied by stinging, almost itching pain l. chest just below nipple.-Pain under r. scapula.-Pain in l. scapula.-Burning pain in small of back near tip of r. sacro-iliac joint.-Sore pain in l. sacro-iliac joint, lame as from over-lifting; < by sudden motion; followed by pulsation in nates.-Aching and sense of great fatigue in loins. c. as developed in the provings. Diarrhoea and botan., Rhe. 15. 18. Homeopatía Materia Médica _ A- Z‎ > ‎R‎ > ‎ RUMEX CRISPUS. Paralización de ideas. 19. Rumex Crispus. Browse Materia Medica Articles Browse Therapeutics Articles Home Herbal Education Free E-Journal Rumex and serum iron. The left side is more markedly affected than the right. This gives Rx. Homeopathy medicine Rumex Crispus from William Boericke’s Pocket manual of homoeopathic materia medica, comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms of all remedies, published in 1906…. Rumex crispus. The characteristic diarrhoea of Rx. MIND Mind, fear, misfortune, of (p. 46) Mind, indifference, apathy, etc. Phthisis. c. are < lying on left side; > lying on right side, < At 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. Another Condition of the cough is that it is induced or < by any irregularity of respiration, such as a little deeper breath than usual or a little more rapid. Nose.-Great desire to pick nose.-Nose obstructed; dry sensation, even in posterior nares.-Sudden, sharp, tingling sensation in Schneiderian membrane, followed by violent and rapid sneezing five or six times in succession, with watery discharge.-Violent sneezing with watery coryza and headache), < evening and night.-Accumulation of mucus about posterior nares.-Yellow mucus discharged through posterior nares.-Epistaxis, violent sneezing, and painful irritation of nostrils.-Influenza with violent catarrh, followed by bronchitis. (Hale); and Sul., Calc., and Pho. (Hale); and Sul., Calc., and Pho. The Materia Medica by William Boericke was written in 1901. Materia Medica Homeopatica Descripcion de medicamentos, patogenesias, sintomas (clave, mentales, generales, particulares), complementarios, fotos y herramientas muy utiles para estudiantes y medicos homeopatas de todo el mundo. Is characterized by pains, numerous and varied, neither fixed nor constant anywhere. Rumex crispus aus der Materia Medica von Constantin Hering. Cough caused by an incessant tickling in the throat-pit, which tickling r Urticaria; contagious prurigo. Urticaria. c. the characteristic was "cough only during the day, not at all at night." 3. N. O. Polygonaceae. (Rumex Crespo u Ondeado. Tincture of fresh root. Tough mucus, K. bi. Joslin pointed out the left chest had more verified symptoms than any other region. 14. Among the constituents and salts of Rx. are strongly represented in its action. Background: Rumex crispus L., commonly called as "yellow dock" in English, "patience frisee" in French, and "Ampfer" in German, and 'aceda de culebra' in Spanish is a well-known herb belonging to Polygonaceae.Roots of the herb are used as medicine in homoeopathy. < By cold; > by warmth. Materia Medica (Boericke) Ultima actualizare: 13 Decembrie 2019 Dragavei, ştevie creaţă (rumx) (Materia Medica, W.Boericke) Sunt caracteristice durerile, numeroase şi variate, fără să fie fixe sau constante în vreo zonă a corpului. Pesquise Matérias Médicas. Aphonia. c. cough causes expulsion of urine; and it may even cause expulsion of the foetus in pregnant women. Cough caused by an incessant tickling in the throat-pit, which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bronchial tubes. 25. Stool.--Brown, watery, diarrhoea early in morning, with cough, driving him out of bed. Hard substance in pit of stomach. 1. Homeopathic Rumex Crispus indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. Rx. c.: "Cough caused by an incessant tickling in throat-pit, which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bronchial tubes; touching the throat brings on the cough; by covering up all the body and head with the bed-clothes there is no cough." Curled Dock. ).-Pain in top of larynx; mostly l. side.-Dry, spasmodic cough, like beginning of whooping-cough; in paroxysms; preceded by tickling in throat-pit, with congestion and slight pains in head, and wrenching pains in r. chest; began a few minutes after lying down at night (11 p.m.); lasted 10 to 15 minutes, after which he slept all right; a less severe paroxysm in bed on waking and throughout day this lasted two weeks, when he began to expectorate adhesive mucus in small quantities, detached with difficulty.-Hacking cough.-Cough < by any irregularity of breathing.-Hoarse, hacking cough 11 p.m. and 2 to 5 a.m.-Cough with pain behind mid-sternum.-Pressure on throat = cough.-Dry, tickling, spasmodic cough, with tenderness in larynx and trachea, rendering cough quite painful.-Teasing periodical cough, < in cool air or by anything which increases the volume or rapidity of inspired air.-Cough < from changing rooms.-Cough originally caused by inhaling extremely cold air during winter, < lying down, esp. 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