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However, Siamese Algae Eaters can become extremely territorial if they are surrounded by too many of their own species, so we recommend that you keep the numbers to a minimum (Less than 5 per 100 liters). Common types of algae eaters include shrimp, crabs, bottom dwelling fish, and snails. I dont even think my dads tank has even seen a spot of algae since he put a common in it, and when he did the tank was absolutely riddled with algae, then about 2 days later it wasnt, and the common was only an inch or two long at the time, and the tank is huge. With their beautiful zebra like shell, and their huge appetite for algae, it’s no surprise why these little gems are as common as they are. Scientifically known as Crossocheilus oblongus, this is a species of freshwater fish that’s very beautiful to look at. This article does not aim to define the types of algae and the reasons for their appearance, but rather a short introduction to the fish that feed on algae, helping to some extent in their control. Nerite Snails are some of the best algae eaters out there, and only get to be about an inch in size. Another common shrimp found in most pet stores, are Cherry Shrimp. Freshwater seaweed eaters. Algae eaters are used by aquarium owners to maintain a balanced tank environment. As a result, you only need a 10-gallon tank to keep them healthy. Purchases made through the Amazon links on our website will earn us a small commission, at no extra cost to you. These critters will reproduce in your tank, but the process is much slower and far more manageable. I created this website to help fellow fishkeepers get accurate and helpful information at the click of a few buttons. The Causes, Symptoms & Cures. Found throughout rivers in Florida, the Flagfish is a colorful species that has a penchant for chowing down on algae. There are several color variations for Ramshorn Snails. Before you add these fish to your aquarium, you should know that they tend to thrive in flocks of 5 or more. They can consume more algae than you think! If you are currently suffering from an outbreak of algae, or if you want to prevent an outbreak from occurring at all, then algae eaters are the perfect solution. Generally, these fish are quite peaceful and do just fine with other docile species. Whether you’re looking for a fish, shrimp, or snail, the species above will get the job done. They stay focused and consistently track down algae no matter what’s going on. You may be surprised to learn that there are many types of algae, and most algae eaters will not eat all the types. It seems like theyre such a bad idea and people are becoming more aware of their size, bio-load, etc. The pleco species are bottom-feeding catfish that are great algae eaters. They do best in moderate conditions with temperatures between 72 and 79 degrees. Known for their vibrant red coloration, Cherry Shrimp stand out amongst the natural backdrop of a lush tank. Give CAE a pass unless you know what you’re going in for, and be extremely careful if you choose to add a Flying Fox to your tank. Another Catfish on the list, is the Otocinclus Catfish (also known as dwarf suckers and otos). Their bodies are gray and semi-transparent. In terms of living conditions, the Siamese Algae Eater is generally easy to care for. They consume all kinds of algae. Whilst you should still supplement their diet, if you add them to an aged tank they’re going to be extremely happy. They appreciate the occasional algae wafer or green leafy vegetables. Algae in a lake. This includes green spot algae, which is notoriously tough for other species. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. So, study the algae a bit and determine where to go from there. Since not all are beneficial and that is why choosing some fish is very important. This article will list down some of the best algae eaters that you can add to your aquarium as well as the ones of which you should be wary. If you provide Siamese Algae Eaters with enough room to swim, and plenty of algae to eat, they will definitely be a welcomed addition to your tank. However, all of them feature that iconic ram’s horn shell, which looks like a flat coil of rope. More aggressive fish will definitely see them as food. Temperatures can be on the cooler side. They get along well with other non-aggressive fish species, as they’ll spend most of their time preventing algae from taking over the tank. Each of them cannot deal with all types of algae but together they will eat the most common algae in our tanks, which are: 1. That’s for a single full-grown shrimp of 2 to 3 inches. Although there are several varieties of these little guys, most likely your fish store will only be carrying the spotted type. Anything over 70 liters will suffice. They aren’t exclusive algae eaters, so you’ll need to provide them with standard flakes or pellets to supplement their diets. One thing you should be aware of is that while SAE’s are voracious algae eaters when they’re young, as they get older they start to prefer pellets etc. Mystery Snails are easy to spot, partly due to their size, but also thanks to their gigantic antennas that are usually seen sweeping across the aquarium floor. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Their preference is for warmer temperatures, and they are herbivores. “Dwarf Suckers” will thrive on all types of algae and vegetation, but they prefer brown algae, and soft green algae. However, in the span of a year, they can reach sizes of 2 inches in diameter. most popular being their Turbo Twist Sterilizer, Zebra Danio Care Guide (Diet, Tank & Breeding), 5 Best Hang On Protein Skimmers (Updated: 2021), Complete Betta Fish Care Guide For Beginners: Everything You Need, Raising Healthy Fry: Everything You Need To Know, 13 Best Freshwater Fish For Your Home Aquarium, 12 Best Freshwater Algae Eaters For Your Aquarium, Swordtail Fish: Everything You Need To Know, Dropsy In Fish: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment, What Exactly Is Fin Rot? The Flying Fox can be hard to tell apart from the CAE, and other species, but it’s one of the best algae eaters around. I love sharing my tips and tricks to help make you a better fishkeeper, so stay updated by following us on Social Media! Algae in a lake. Excessive amounts of copper, which is typically found in plant fertilizers can cause harm to these shrimp, so if your tank is filled with a lot of plants, more aggressive water changes of 30 to 50 percent are required to balance out the toxicity. Some species like Siamese Algae Eaters, American Flag Fish and Amano Shrimp are champion algae eaters and can make a significant dent in a problem tank. Siamese Algae Eaters are usually three times bigger, being able to reach 6 inches in length as they grow. Growing up to 15 centimeters in length, these sucker-mouth fish can cover a lot of ground, and can consume a lot of algae. There are many species of loaches; the clown loach is a common fish that is best kept in small groups. Here is a list of 10 different algae eaters in no particular order to help you decide what you would like to get. The only algae they will resist eating are green spot algae, and blue-green algae. When you factor in their large size, the semi-aggressive behavior ensures that they can fend for themselves against other large and aggressive fish. I bet that you have already seen some other articles on the Internet about the best algae eaters. A slightly larger tank of 25 to 30 gallons is recommended. Larger Mystery Snails are usually safe, and will keep to themselves, but the smaller ones may become a target for larger, predatory fish. The problem lies in finding a real Flying Fox, since even the dealers are sometimes unaware they’re selling you the wrong fish. You can’t go wrong with any of the best algae eaters. Meanwhile, the pH should be on the alkali side. Because of their size, Malaysian Trumpets are very susceptible to being eaten, so practice caution when keeping them with other predatory fish. Also known as the busy nose pleco, this particular species is usually just as common in fish stores as the common pleco. Rosy Barbs and American Flag Fish are a couple of the showy tropical algae eaters. On the opposite side of the size spectrum when it comes to snails, is the Mystery Apple Snail. Just keep an eye on them, to make sure they are getting their share. Scientifically known as Crossocheilus oblongus, this is a species of freshwater fish that’s very beautiful to look at. In most instances, you will not need to intervene in their eating habits at all. Another algae eating fish with a big appetite is the Twig Catfish. Hair Algae-Eaters. These little scavengers are excellent algae eaters for a reef tank. Otocinclus can eat other foods, too. The cheapest, and most widely available shrimp is the Ghost Shrimp. The best Algae eating fish types and other algae eaters for your tank. When it comes to temperature, these algae-eating fish can adapt to nearly anything. As they breed, you’ll need to increase the tank size to accommodate for the new fish you’ll have around. Chinese Algae Eaters need at least 30 gallons of space with a pH of around 6.5 to 7.5 and a temperature between 74 and 80 degrees. pH balance should be kept between 6.5 and 8.0. Measuring around 3 centimeters when they are fully grown, Nerite Snails are easy targets for larger predatory fish such as Cichlids and Loaches, so we don’t recommend keeping them together. When it comes to behavior and temperament, Rubber Lip Plecos are quite solitary and will not pay other fish any mind. If you have a large tank, and you currently keep larger, aggressive fish, then the Bristlenose Pleco could be your best option. It is very much dependant on what fish you keep, the size of your tank, and the type of algae you are looking to eliminate. They need a 30-gallon tank, a pH balance of roughly 6.8 to 7.5, and temperatures between 72 and 79 degrees. They prefer a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 as well as temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees. When they are purchases as juveniles, Mystery Snails are quite small. Not all algae eaters feed on all types of algae, some species enjoy a specific type of algae, other species may feed on multiple types of algae. They can stay healthy in temperatures ranging from 68 to 84 degrees. They submerge themselves inside the aquarium just like a regular filter, but the built-in UV bulb works to remove and control cloudy water and blooms of algae. Twig Catfish are master scavengers. They prefer to be kept in higher numbers, so we recommend at least 3 per tank. The Siamese Algae Eater Fish will grow to about 4 or 5 inches in length and are best suited for tanks 20 gallon fish tanks and larger. Malaysian Trumpet Snails are usually resting underneath the gravel during the day, and at night, when they are most busy, you will find them digging their way through the substrate, sweeping up any matter and algae that has fell through the cracks. These invertebrae will primarily eat algae and plant matter. Any of the standard algae eaters will do a good job. Various types of algae-eating marine snails and blennies would clean the algae in nano tanks, and some bulkier fish and slugs could eat the stuff in larger tanks. They need a tank that’s at least 25 gallons in size, though more is always welcome. Algae is the food of choice for Sailfin Plecos. What makes this fish particularly effective for removing algae is the fact that it’s not a finicky eater. As for water acidity, these algae-eating fish prefer relatively neutral habitats with a pH balance between 6.0 and 7.5. Algae Eaters of Aquarium: Do you want to know the reasons of algal-growth and the algae eaters, then take an entire look on the article of the different types of algae eaters. Some things you might want to watch out for when caring for these guys is that when you run out of algae to feed them you are going to have to supplement their diet somehow. These are not only fish but also shrimp and even snails. Ramshorn Snails are perfect for cleaning your plants, the walls of your aquarium, the rocks and the decorations. These tiny shrimp are a valuable addition to a freshwater ecosystem and will spend their days eating moss and as much algae as they can stomach. Florida Flag Fish; Siamese Algae Eater; Molly; Amano Shrimp; Dwarf Shrimp Unlike the Twig Catfish and the Siamese Algae Eaters mentioned before, otos are a schooling fish, and should be kept in groups of at least 5. Most often, these snails take on a bright yellow hue, making them easy to spot in your tank. It typically forms in fluffy spots on substrate, rocks, glass, and tank decorations. You have entered an incorrect email address! These species are known to eat red slime algae, green film algae, hair algae, diatoms, cyanobacteria, brown film algae, detritus, and microalgae. This species of catfish offers a unique look. Siamese Algae Eater. Some algae eaters will be better at covering flat surfaces, while others will be better at getting into smaller nooks and crannies. Popular algivores include shrimp, snails, bivalves, and several types of fish. They are covered in splotches of beige and brown. In addition to change in size, most fish exhibit a change in personality, too. We love connecting with other aquarists and swapping stories. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. Learn more. There’s something about watching these critters work that’s oddly inspiring. It can grow very quickly if left untreated. Numerous aquarium pets feed on algae, but only a few are highly effective at controlling growth. A 40-gallon tank is perfect for a pair. This is especially true when it comes to water quality. Here are some of the benefits they bring: We found ourselves recommending them all the time, so putting this guide together made a ton of sense. Suitable tanks mates for the Twig Catfish are any which are considered docile, such as Tetras, Rasboras, Hatchets and Pencil Fish. Their preference is for warmer temperatures, and they are herbivores. Whiptail Catfish are hardy creatures that prefer warmer waters. While you’re trying to feed them, they’re still probably cleaning. At the very least, Rabbit Snails need a 30-gallon tank. These bright red crustaceans are very small, and are great at cleaning algae from the hard to reach places that algae eating fish can’t reach. The pH should be around 6.5 to 8.0 while the temperature can be anywhere between 70 and 78 degrees. Whether you call them Doctor Fish or Red Garras, these fish are born to eat algae. Loaches, Chinese algae eaters and common plecos are popular algae-feeding bottom feeders. You can find them feeding on all types of algae. These guys are particularly ravenous. More is preferred, as they need some room to swim around. They are nice to look at, so even though they aren’t the most effective algae eaters in the tank, they can still be a great addition. Unlike other snails, you don’t have to worry about overpopulation. If you have a group, increase the size of the tank significantly. Types of Algae You May Need to Fight. The best Algae eaters are the Amano shrimp. Though, we recommend larger if you plan on keeping a large group of them together. While you’re at work, they’re cleaning. They can even live comfortably with small fish without any issues. Although their appetite is big, and they are willing to eat most types of algae, it’s still recommended that you feed Mystery Snails a wide range of aquarium safe vegetation. Common types of algae eaters include shrimp, crabs, bottom dwelling fish, and snails. Temperatures should stay between 72 and 80 degrees. You might also see them feeding on old fish food or decaying plant leaves. There’s two problems you’ll face when searching for a group of SAEs for your tank. Growing to around 2 inches in length, these relentless feasters are perfect for tanks of all sizes, and they tend to live harmoniously with other species. Their job is to eat algae, not to be eaten themselves. They may also consume some organic plant matter, but algae are their main dish. Siamese Algae Eaters (Crossocheilus siamensis) are small when young but gets much larger in time; to a full size of more than 5 inches (14cm). source: The biggest benefit of adding otos to your aquarium is their small size, which allows them to squeeze into the smallest spaces, to perform their algae destroying tasks. It is extremely energetic and usually stored in community tanks in small communities. Another species that browses on these types of algae is the sailfin tang Z. veliferum from the Central and South Pacific. Named after the long antennae that extend out of their heads, the Rabbit Snails are a large algae-eating invertebrate that you can add to your freshwater tank. Even though they’re some of the best algae eaters you can get (they prefer green algae by the way), you might spot them chowing on some leftover fish food or other detritus as well. The best algae eaters for green dust algae are the Otocinclus catfish, Nerite snails, and Bristlenose, Bulldog and Rubber Nose Plecos. They can thrive in temperatures as high as 85 degrees and will often reproduce quicker the warmer the water gets. They’re obviously not a complete cure but can give you a bit of an edge when trying to prevent this growth from occurring in the future. If you have any questions about other algae-eating fish or want to learn more about the species we included, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on social media. Temperatures should be kept around 75 to 79 degrees while the water’s pH needs to stay between 6.5 to 7.0. If shrimp have enough hiding places, they can do fine, but in an open environment, they probably won’t last very long. Due to their small size, Amano Shrimp will work better with docile fish. They have a long lifespan of up to 12 years! As long as it’s within a reasonable range, the fish should be fine. A bonus tip for those struggling with algae bloom or cloudy water is to grab yourself an aquarium UV sterilizing system. You might have seen these small silver fish being used in spas and clinics. The bristlenose, hypostomus and farlowella plecos are all great algae-eating catfish species. They don’t require strict water conditions and can easily adapt to any environment. This type of algae develops in tanks with a high ammonia level and cutting plants helps it to grow too as it develops on cut leaves. Mystery Apple Snails will consume most types of algae, but you most commonly find them eating plant algae, substrate algae and aquarium glass algae. Do algae eaters eat algae? Algae is their main source of food. Thanks to their conical shells, Trumpet Snails are more than capable of uprooting plants, so exercise caution when arranging your tank! These tiny little snails have a short lifespan. These creatures consume different types of algae including red slime algae (cyanobacteria), green hair algae, microalgae, and macroalgae. The good news is that there are also diverse types of algae eaters that you can employ to battle the nuisance. Luckily, these fish will happily take standard fish flakes, live food, and pretty much anything else they can get ahold of. Named after the Japanese hobbyist Takashi Amano, these green colored gems are a great addition to any tank. SAE. It even eats brush algae! However, they can be a bit challenging to care for. They have long conical shells that are typically colored with black, brown, and white. Although there are several varieties of these little guys, most likely your fish store will only be carrying the spotted type. Be very careful in your research of algae-eaters to make sure that you are creating a match made in aquarium heaven.In deciding which type of algae-eater to add to your tank, it’s important to consider the personalities and husbandry needs of your current tank inhabitants as well as the algae-eater you’re looking to add to your aquarium. 5. They’re found in tanks…, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips, A noticeable difference in water quality (no one likes, Less gunk and buildup for you to clean out, Reduced wear and tear on your filtration system. This tank-cleaning fish has a healthy appetite for brown algae. The hair algae. The good news is that there are also diverse types of algae eaters that you can employ to battle the nuisance. Most aquarists use a mixture of zucchini and algae pellets. During aquarium maintenance, there usually exists a step or two in the process where algae removal is involved. Since dead plants and leftover food sinks to the bottom of your aquarium, you may want to consider a fish or two that will scavenge the substrate layer. That said, they can get very skittish. Acidic water will dissolve the shells of all snails, so if you are thinking about keeping them, you should make sure your water is at least a 7 on the pH scale. The snails can survive on algae alone, though you might want to introduce an algae wafer if you don’t think your snail is getting enough food. Mollies are known to reproduce very quickly, so be wary about your tank size. Not only are they hardy and beautiful to look at, they are also relentless in their cleaning abilities. Types of Siamese Algae Eaters in the Aquatic Trade. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Named after the whisker-like appendages coming out of their snouts, Bristlenose Plecos are docile algae-eating fish that can get along with most peaceful tank mates. The only downside is the fact that they are small, and are a preferred food for a lot of freshwater fish, so keeping them in a tank with other fish can be tricky. The Chinese Algae Eaters prefer a pH from 6.8 to 7.4 and a KH from 8 to 10. These fish come in a wide range of colors and patterns. A commercial food diet should still be fed, along with the available algae in the tank. Their generally peaceful nature and ability to eat and control a wide range of algae (including the dreaded Black Beard algae) makes them an asset to almost any aquarium. If you are going to keep ghost shrimp, you should build a place for them to hide, and you will need to keep a lot of them if you want to do some serious damage in terms of algae control. It is worth noting however, that otos do have a large appetite, so if your aquarium is lacking the algae to keep them happy, we recommend adding some aquarium friendly vegetation such as zucchini, from time to time. When picking out algae eaters for your aquarium, you should consider: The type or types of algae in your aquarium; Tank parameters; Special algae eater requirements. Is involved degrees and will often reproduce quicker the warmer the water column sucking on algae your! – this type of fish your are keeping loaches, Chinese algae eaters for your tank with plenty of,... Luckily there are many types of algae colors and patterns need some room to swim.. Some organic plant matter, but not all Shrimp eat all the.! 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